For Recurring Products
Recurring products and billing them at intervals is a breeze with

Billing On An Interval Basis.
In the contract information, it can be determined how the contract should be billed. In this case, the invoice is automatically generated monthly and only needs to be confirmed.

Recurring Products
When you open the contract's order lines, recurring products can be identified by the fact that the contract information is displayed again on the order lines.
This addition is missing for products that are billed only once.
Implications For The PDF Reports.
Differently Specified Products On The Quote.
In the order, a distinction is made between recurring and one-time products or services. This way, it is immediately evident how the invoice amount is composed.

The Invoice
The invoice amount here is composed of the two amounts, recurring and one-time, and is presented as a single amount. Splitting it here no longer makes sense since the relevant information on the invoice is the total amount to be paid.

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