Simplify your supplier invoice payment processes
Automate the payment run of incoming invoices with the QR code function newly included in The manual creation of payment instructions is no longer necessary.
By reading the invoice information via the QR code, error-prone manual entries are no longer necessary. The instruction of your supplier invoices is thus automated and simplified to the greatest possible extent.

Digitize the Payment Run of your Supplier Invoices

In the list view of your incoming invoices, you can use the "not paid" filter to display all open invoices.
In addition, invoices can also be sorted by due date.
Now you can open the respective invoice to be paid from the overview and click on the button "Enter payment" This opens the window with the QR code belonging to the invoice.

From the proposed entries, you now select the appropriate journal for the transfer.
Click on "Create Payment" to initiate the payment process via the push-tan app from your cell phone.
Using the banking app (in this example, the Sparkasse app) on your mobile phone, you can now start the transfer process by clicking "Send money".
By scanning the QR code with the cell phone, the transfer data is loaded and displayed in the cell phone for checking.
You can now select when the payment is to be made, check all entries and finally release the transfer (or cancel it if necessary).

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